Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Rockumentary For All Time

A couple of months ago, I watched This is Spinal Tap for the first time.  Naturally, I had heard how funny this movie is from friends of mine who had seen it, but I must admit I was not entirely prepared for what I was about to see.  Watching this movie was very memorable to me just for the simple fact that I was laughing so uncontrollably and unexpectedly.

The great thing about the writing in the movie is that it clearly makes fun of all the rock bands who take themselves entirely too seriously.  You know, the bands who release DVDs that show them writing songs for all their albums and what the songs mean.  This movie also pokes fun at bands that suffer from drama within them, which is one of the most hilarious things about the movie.

Rob Reiner, while he is the actual director of the movie, also plays the stereotypical director at the beginning of the movie, and he does it in such a profoundly hilarious way.  While the movie is poking fun at bands who take themselves too seriously, Rob Reiner pokes fun at directors during the introduction of This is Spinal Tap.  He is great at the "Let me take you on a journey" type of director.

Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer are brilliant together.  I would not be surprised if this movie was more improvised than actually written.  Their comedic timing in the movie is superb.

When I think of comedies, I usually think of Jim Carrey and Steve Carell.  Parodies and spoofs do not come to mind.  However, it is always refreshing to watch one, especially one I have not seen.  This is Spinal Tap was indeed that for me.  It was, and is, hilarious in so many unexpected ways.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Sweaty Nerd Fandom: Part 2

I was thirteen years old when Batman and Robin was released in theaters in 1997.  At that age, I did not have the love and appreciation for movies that I do today.  I was more concerned with the fact that I was seeing my first Batman movie in theaters.  Seventeen years ago, I thought the movie was awesome.  Today, I appreciate it for the glorious toilet bug that it is.

The lack of ingenuity of the writing in this movie astounds me.  Akiva Goldsman must have thought he was writing a cartoon because Mr.  Freeze says 27 "ice puns" in the entire movie.  This is the same writer who, four years later, would win the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for A Beautiful Mind, which is a far superior movie to say the least.  The sad thing is that the exposition, when it is there, is very good.  The banter between George Clooney is exceptional.  Also, the scenes that George Clooney and Michael Gough are very good. Unfortunately, all these scenes are just put in the wrong places and there's not enough of it.

I'm as much an Arnold Schwarzenegger as any other man who grew up in the 80's and 90's.  However, he is hugely miscast in the role of Mr. Freeze.  Why would you cast a former bodybuilder as an elderly frail scientist?!
I will actually defend George Clooney in this movie as far as being Bruce Wayne.  He did a decent job considering what he had to work with.  As far as being Batman goes, you didn't even alter your voice in any way?  Come on!
I do believe Chris O'Donnell is the best cast person in this movie.  He brings a certain attitude to the character of Dick Grayson/Robin that plays well against George Clooney.  Although it is a shame that we never get to officially see Nightwing in these movies, there are some nice nods to it in Chris O'Donnell's costume in this movie.
Alicia Silverstone is also horribly miscast in the role of Batgirl.  Please note: In the comics,  Batgirl's real name is Barbara Gordon not Barbara Wilson.  In the comics, Batgirl is a computer genius.  However in this movie all she does is come off as a valley girl who attempts to be a badass.  How does being the lead in Clueless make you a prime candidate for Batgirl?!
I actually like Uma Thurman as Poison Ivy, dialogue aside.  In the comics, Poison Ivy is a very gorgeous woman, and Uma Thurman personifies that perfectly.  It's just too bad she says out loud all her exposition so we already know what she is going to do.

I honestly do not think that Joel Schumacher should take all of the blame for this movie.  There are a couple of action sequences that are particularly well done, and as I said the exposition is good.  I have seen The Number 23 directed by Joel Schumacher and I think it is very good.  I do not think Joel Schumacher is a bad director.  I just think he should stay away from movies that are based on comic books.

When I think of bad movies, Batman and Robin is near the top of the list.  Many people bash this movie, and rightfully so.  However without the pile of garbage that is Batman and Robin, there would be no Batman Begins.  Thank Odin for Christopher Nolan.

Friday, July 11, 2014

An Unlikely Paradise

I recently watched a movie called My Blue Heaven.  It stars Steve Martin and Rick Moranis, and is directed by Herbert Ross.  I had never heard of it before I watched it, and I must say it was a pleasant surprise.

Steve Martin plays an Italian mob informant named Vinnie Antonelli.  He is in the Witness Protection Program.  He has to bring in the other gangsters so he can go free.  His character is a parody of a character you would find in gangster movies and film noir movies.  Steve Martin's accent is so laughably terrible in this movie.  It does not even come close to Italian, but because this is a comedy I think that was the point.  I have always been a big fan of Steve Martin.  He takes comedy very seriously, and I respect him very much for that.  He always brings something fresh to every film he is in.

Rick Moranis plays Federal Agent Barney Coopersmith.  I really enjoyed his character arc in the movie.  He goes from being a nerd who has his own system for the way eats pancakes to being a very likable guy who can actually have a relationship with a woman.  I had never seen Rick Moranis play a character like this.  I was so used to seeing him play a nerd like he did in Ghostbusters and Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.  Seeing him play someone who is generally a good guy who has an actual story arc was very refreshing.

Director Herbert Ross brings a very genuine feel to this movie.  The comedy is over the top at times, but it never gets completely ridiculous.  This is a very heartwarming movie to watch.

I really enjoyed this movie the first time I watched it, and I have watched it again and again since then.  It's always a pleasure to watch two comedic geniuses like Steve Martin and Rick Moranis do what they do best.  If you're feeling like staying in on a Saturday night, then grab some popcorn and pick up a copy of My Blue Heaven.