Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cornetto Trilogy: Part I

I have only recently become a fan of Simon Pegg because of the Star Trek movies he has been in.  I was somewhat hesitant to watch the “Cornetto Trilogy” because I was not sure if I would understand his brand of humor.  I have to say that not only was I surprised by the originality of these films, but with the humor as well.  These films make American humor seem bland and generic.

Shaun of the Dead is the story of a man who decides to turn his life around while he deals with a zombie apocalypse affecting his town.  The great thing about all of these movies is that there is an underlying dramatic story amidst all of the humor.  Shaun and Ed are best friends who realize that their town is suddenly full of zombies, and that bond they have is present throughout the movie.  I love the fact that Shaun’s job is so boring that a “zombie apocalypse”, as it were, is the most excitement he has seen in his entire life.

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost play Shaun and Ed respectively.  Ed is a bumbling idiot who is almost completely clueless of what is happening around him.  Nick Frost is almost too good at playing this part.  I have a feeling his role was written specifically for him.  You get the feeling that Frost is just being himself.  Simon Pegg is wonderful to watch.  It is awesome to see him get his friends together to save his town.  I know it is weird to say about this kind of a movie, but seeing Simon Pegg in leadership role feels almost natural.

Kate Ashfield plays Shaun’s girlfriend, Liz.  She is just as foul-mouthed as Shaun, and you can see that they are a natural couple.  There are actually a number of dramatic and intimate scenes where you can see that Ashfield is a very gifted actress.  She lent the perfect blend of comedy and drama to her role.

Edgar Wright is the director of the movie.  I had never seen any of his films before.  The way he uses action-based cuts gives you such an adrenaline rush.  While he is great at making comedies, his action scenes are as good as any I have ever seen.  I would love to see him do a straight-up action movie.

I loved this movie.  It was great to see an original take on this particular genre.  Zombie movies seem so generic these days, but Edgar Wright brought the perfect blend of action, comedy and drama to Shaun of the Dead. 

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