The film The Witches was recommended to me by my very good friend Hannah Sutter. Seeing as how her recommendations have not let me down yet, I naturally was enthusiastic to watch it. Of course, as I predicted, I absolutely loved it.
The Witches is about a boy, Luke, who encounters a witch convention at a hotel and must stop their evil plans. This movie is so imaginative and so magical, it is hard to put it into any one category. Anjelica Huston's performance, combined with Jim Henson's brilliant effects work, make this film enjoyable for children and adults. This is also one of those movies that could have teetered on the edge of silliness, but with the help of the brilliant writing that explores the lore of witches, this movie is grounded in a reality that makes you take the movie seriously.
Nicolas Roeg did a good job directing the film. Generally speaking, I do not care for the "shaky-cam", but it is used effectively in The Witches whenever the children are transforming into mice. The use of POV (Point-of-view) shots is well done, too. They make you feel the sense of danger that Luke and Bruno are in after they have become mice. Roeg also does a good job of combining horror with humor. You will enjoy the movie very much, but it will leave you wide awake at night.
There is so much to love about this film. Even though The Witches was released in 1990, it feels like an 80's movie because it is so much fun to watch. This movie is filled with wonder that will leave you clapping your hands in applause by the end of it.
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