Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bratzi Party!!!

When it comes to making original films, few directors can compare to Kevin Smith.  He makes movies with his friends, writes his own material and does not care who likes it or who does not.  Yoga Hosers is one of the most outrageous comedies I have ever seen and, while there are some issues with it, I personally loved it.

Yoga Hosers is the story of two teenage yoga students who team up with a legendary detective to fight an evil organization of Nazi bratwursts.  With this film, it definitely feels like Kevin Smith is making movies for himself and his audience, and less for critics.  You cannot help but be intrigued at what he has created from his imagination.  The adult-themed humor is at an all-time high, and you can definitely tell that this movie is not for children, or for people who are easily offended.  Yet, for all its comedic glory, there are a couple of minor problems with the film.  For one, Lily-Rose Depp and Harley Quinn Smith both play girls named Colleen, and you never know which Colleen is which. Secondly, it is never actually clear that both Colleens work for Colleen C's dad, nor is it clear which Colleen Tony Hales' character is supposed to be the father of.  Other than these extremely minor issues, Yoga Hosers is a balls-to-the-wall comedy that will cause your jaw to drop to the floor before it is even over.

Harley Quinn Smith and Lily-Rose Depp play Colleen McKenzie and Colleen Collette, respectively.  Their comedic banter is flawless, and it drives the entire film.  The two play off of each other so well, while also bringing their own unique presence to the film.  There is one scene, specifically, where they get their cellular phones taken away from them, that had me in stitches because it was so perfectly executed.  When you have two actresses that are the daughters of such talented people as Kevin Smith and Johnny Depp, it is only natural to assume that they would inherit that talent, and trust me when I say that they do not disappoint.

Kevin Smith is the director of Yoga Hosers.  There are several things that Smith does exceedingly well with this film.  First, the fact that this film is partly historical fiction makes it all the more enjoyable.  Also, this movie is partly a commentary on how much of an impact social media has on our daily lives.  Again, I go back to the scene where the Colleen girls get their phones taken away from them.  The girls' reaction represents one of the main problems with todays' youth, and their reliance on technology.  I also love the yoga sequences in the film because it represents how overly serious some people can be about exercise.  The standout sequence of the film is the Bratzi fight near the end.  This is one of the most hilarious action sequences I have ever seen.  At this point in his career, Kevin Smith is clearly making movies because it is fun, and he delivers originality in spades with this film.

I have said this plenty of times before: in an age of franchises, remakes and reboots, it is always nice to see some original films, and you cannot get more original than Kevin Smith.  Whether it is his brand of humor, his dialogue or just his concept ideas, the man is a creative force.  If you are a fan of Kevin Smiths' movies, I highly recommend that you pick up Yoga Hosers.

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