Wednesday, August 12, 2015

This Movie Is Tearing Me Apart!!!

Prior to watching The Room, I had heard from several trustworthy sources that it is the worst movie ever made.  I thought to myself, "It really cannot be that bad, can it?"  Well, let it be known that The Room is one of the most legendarily awful films I have ever seen, quite possibly the worst movie ever.

The Room is a movie about a man, Johnny, who lives with his fiancee, Lisa.  Lisa gets bored of Johnny eventually, and falls for his best friend Mark.  This movie is so historically bad that it is hard to put into words.  To begin with, the movie is horribly written.  I have heard better dialogue in daytime soap operas.  This whole movie feels like a bad porno movie.  Also, even though Lisa and Johnny are engaged, Lisa's mother seems to know more about what Johnny is doing with his life than Lisa does.  There is no chemistry between the actors at all.  It feels like they all read their dialogue on a cue card seconds before each take.  None of the scenes that take place outside "The Room" (which just so happens to be the living room of the apartment) make sense.  They are all thrown together without any context.  I am also fairly certain that a couple shots where used from the opening sequence of the show "Full House".  Towards the beginning of the movie, there is a scene between Lisa and her mother in which Lisa's mother reveals she has breast cancer.  She has no emotion at all, and quite honestly sounds extremely bored for someone who just found out this horrible news.  There are also too many establishing shots, and they are not even used properly.  Also,  when Johnny is about to get married (which they never actually do), he and his friends are all dressed in tuxedos, and then in the next scene they are wearing regular clothes.  Also, at the party scene, they keep going outside then back to the apartment, then back and forth.  Stay in one place, and celebrate there.

Tommy Wiseau is a horrid director.  He does not know how to give a scene context or write good dialogue.  Most of the scenes are flung together without any exposition.  He should never step behind, or in front of, a camera ever again.

The Room is laughably bad.  As my good friend Brett Balzer said, I would not wish the pain of watching this movie on my worst enemy.  I got news for you, Mr. Wiseau:  you do not make a movie just by pointing the camera and filming.  

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Money Is The Root Of All Evil

I had never seen Blank Check until today.  Naturally, I assumed that I was going to experience some typical Disney goodness.  What I got was not just a fun movie, but a wonderful morality tale as well.

Blank Check is the story of Preston, a 12 year old boy who is given a blank check.  He then fills it out for $1,000,000 and cashes it in...but the gangsters who are the rightful owners of the money want it back.  I quite enjoyed this movie.  There are many of aspects of Blank Check that make it a very fun movie.  At the same time, the movie sends a very distinct message that money really does not buy you happiness.

Rupert Wainwright directs the movie, and does a wonderful job of capturing the tone of the movie.  Like most Disney movies, the underlying morality tale is there for those that look for it.  Other than that, it is just fun entertainment.  It is also great to see James Rebhorn in this movie.  He was a wonderful character actor, and it was very bittersweet to see him in Blank Check.

Disney rarely has a bad day at the office.  Blank Check is, once again, proof that Disney movies are fun for the whole family.  This movie especially hit the spot for a 31 year old man sitting on the couch on a rainy day.